
The Defence Forces of Australia need to be fully equipped with modern and effective equipment and operating systems designed to defend Australia and to assist allies. The Defence Forces, as all other departments of government, must comply with the same laws of all Australians. The Defence Forces should never be used against Australian citizens, as their primary function is to protect the citizens of Australia. The Defence forces may be used to protect vulnerable trade routes to and from Australia.

The Prime Minister, the Defence Minister or the Governor General may instruct the Defence Forces to be deployed where urgent assistance, within Australia, is required. For example: firefighting, rescue at sea or on land, recovery from natural disasters humanitarian aid, suspected terror events, boarder protection, criminal activity on the high seas and protection of key Australian assets.

The Defence Forces may only go to war, after all attempts of finding a pathway for peace have been explored, with a decision of both the Government and the opposition with reasons given to the Governor General.