Defence – General
The general purpose of the Defence Forces is to defend the national interests and it needs to be fully equipped with modern and effective equipment and operating systems. The Defence Force, as all other departments of government, must comply with the same laws of all Australians. The Defence Forces should not be used against Australian citizens as their primary function is to protect the citizens of Australia.
Defence Forces in non-military roles:
The Defence Forces may be used for emergency services at the request of either the Minister or the Governor General where urgent assistance is required. For example: firefighting, rescue at sea or on land, recovery from natural disasters humanitarian aid, suspected terror events, boarder protection, criminal activity on the high seas and protection of key assets.
Defence Forces materials supply:
The Defence Department will have a strong constative role in the development and design of material to be manufactured in Australia. There may be some areas of manufacturing that will come directly under the management of the Defence Department if security risks for some components are determined to be sensitive and necessary for such action. To assist in quality control of defence materials where possible the sourcing of raw material manufacturing will be as far as possible within Australia.
Overseas aid:
The defence department under the direction of the Minister may assist in emergency situations after civil unrest or natural disasters where our assistance is welcomed and needed. The Defence Department may assist in peace keeping efforts as directed by the Government of the day.
Going to War:
The Defence Department may only go to war with advice of a joint decision of both the Government and the opposition with reasons given to the Governor General.